Partnership on Generative AI for Humanitarian Applications

The Partnership on Generative AI for Humanitarian Applications links humanitarian organizations and tech companies interested in uses of large language models for good. Members help one another scope projects, deploy models, troubleshoot code and carry out basic testing.

The partnership aims to help humanitarian actors overcome technical challenges associated with deploying sophisticated new generative AI models, speeding up applicational development through collaboration and resource sharing. Working through the partnership makes it easer for humanitarian actors to forge ties with generative AI players around humanitarian applications and around issues like trust, safety and security.

Data Friendly Space

Data Friendly Space makes modern data systems and data science accessible to the humanitarian and development communities. 

Crisis Ready

CrisisReady is based at Harvard University and Direct Relief, and collaborates with academic partners, technology companies and response agencies around the world to embed data-driven decision-making into local disaster planning.


Omdena provides the global community of AI engineers with a platform to gather and collaboratively build solutions to real-world problems.

Humanitarian AI Meetup Community

The Humanitarian AI meetup community links local groups in fifteen cities. Members discuss humanitarian applications of artificial intelligence and work on volunteer projects.

Learn more and apply to join the partnership: GitHub 

Contact: team (at)